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Welcome to SHELTA







Conception, Incubation and Birth!

A long time ago, far away across the sea, on a historic island, full of castles, rolling green hills, windy moors, tiny villages, haunted houses, witches, monsters and fairy godmothers there lived a little itsy bitsy, teeny weeny, incey wincey, yellow polka dot bikini of a girl who had a dream of becoming  a teacher of Down syndrome Students. So, she worked day and night to secure herself a place in a University just beside one of those massive grey castles and set about poring over hundreds of texts, listening to what the masters had to tell her, to learn her style of pedagogy through Drama.

As life has its seasons and diversions, so that little girl never did become a teacher of Down syndrome Students but after many, many years of travelling and teaching all over the world, teaching tens of different cultures and training thousands of different teachers from exotic and not so exotic countries, she fulfilled a new Dream………and here it is: SHELTA

It needed putting “OUT THERE” to help  to inspire teachers to become PASSIONATE about the teaching/learning process and so that little girl fulfilled a new Dream………an on-line teachers' academy reaching out across the globe to help teachers everywhere: SHELTA

SHELTA is Susan Hillyard’s English Language Teachers’ Academy and aims to provide quality professional development courses for in service and trainee teachers worldwide. It includes:

  • live plenary presentations at conferences across the globe

  • bespoke workshops for universities, training colleges, schools, institutes and teacher associations

  • on-line courses and webinar presentations

  •  materials development for students and teachers through articles and courses

  • resource books published by leading publishing houses

  • a blogspot in continuous progress.


 Read more details by going to the tabs at the top of the page.

Work Experience
China, Mexico, Ecuador,Singapore, Uruguay, UK, Portugal, Hong Kong, Brazil, USA, Colombia, Argentina, Chile, Spain, Perú, Saudi Arabia, Bolivia
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