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Start date: Anytime
Duration: Anything from one session to 12 sessions

Is it for me?


Do you want to improve your confidence?
Do you want to improve the quality of your voice?
Do you want to improve your pronunciation and clarity of diction?
Do you want to learn how to use your body, gesture and facial expression?
Do you want to learn to make effective presentations or speeches?
Do you want to learn storytelling techniques?

If you answered yes to any of these questions this course may well be for you!


SHELTA Voice Coaching is a personalized one to one consultancy which can be designed to meet your requirements.

Depending on your personal interests we will use TED talks, BBC  and British Council sites as well as other media like art works, images, videos, movies and readings to stimulate your creativity and motivation.

Duration: TBC
Venue: Moodle, ZOOM and WizIQ webinars

Learning Objectives:
- To learn breathing techniques for concentration, relaxation and control
- To learn to control volume, pace, timbre and resonance of the voice
- To practise improved pronunciation and diction
- To develop good posture and meaningful body language
- To learn to create excellent presentations/speeches/talks
- To learn storytelling techniques


Facilitator: Susan Hillyard

Biodata: Susan Hillyard, B.Ed.(Hons) Warwick University U.K.
Susan is a trained Educational Dramatist who has work experience in seventeen countries as a teacher, Head of Department, Director, speaker, webinar presenter, workshop facilitator, consultant, researcher, Professor and on-line tutor. She was Prof. Language IV in Lenguas Vivas and UTN Teacher Training Colleges, Buenos Aires, Argentina. She has published English through Drama with Helbling, UK, co-authored a Resource Book for Teachers Global Issues for OUP and also TDI-TKT On-line Course for Pearson, New York. She has been involved with two Theatre in Education troupes, based in Buenos Aires, as diction teacher and as an adviser. Former Coordinator, English in Action, Ministry of Education, City of Buenos Aires, Argentina, training 20 teachers through blended learning courses to teach English through Drama in Special Education. Founder and Director of SHELTA, Susan Hillyard’s English Language Teachers’ Academy.


To request more information:

Contact me:


+ 54 11 4541-3010/+54911 65593010


You can also request more information with this form:

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China, Mexico, Ecuador,Singapore, Uruguay, UK, Portugal, Hong Kong, Brazil, USA, Colombia, Argentina, Chile, Spain, Perú, Saudi Arabia, Bolivia
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