China 2017
3rd - 11th
Chengdu, ”EMI-English as a medium of Instruction, Academic Excellence in Teaching”. An intensive academic course for 25 University Professors teaching 19 different majors at Sichuan University through English to foreign students. Organised by the British Council and the Chinese Ministry of Education in Chengdu.
China 2017
13rd - 16th
Baoding, “Enhancing Learning in KG through Drama” a three day intensive workshop for 50 Chinese monolingual KG teachers from 6 KG schools. Organised by Xile Education Company.
Brazil 2017
7th -10th
Sao Paulo Brazil, “Challenging ELT: Teaching English through Drama” for the Annual Colloquium at Cultura Inglesa. Organised by Helbling Languages.
Argentina 2017
Buenos Aires, “Are you Ready to Train your Trainers?” Managers Strand at ABS Conference. Organised by Macmillan Publishing.
Argentina 2017
17th -18th
Santa Fe City, Santa Fe, “The Drama-Theatre Connection” Plenary Advice Summer Seminar Sponsored by The Performers TIE.
Argentina 2017
Buenos Aires, “Making Readers Real” for CECIE, Ministry of Education, Bs As. Organised by Macmillan Publishing
5th - 25th
“Drama in ELT” A four week on-line course organised by iTDi for English language Teachers worldwide.
Argentina 2017
Buenos Aires, “Let’s Live Liverpool” An intensive full day workshop for English language teachers. Organised by The Beatles Museum at The Cavern Club, Bs As.
China 2017
4th - 8th
5 days Personalised Remote tutorials for EMI Professors Chengdu Uni University, China
Brazil 2017
10th -15th
Rio de Janeiro, The British School Conference “Language and Leadership” 6 workshops on the theme of 21st Century Skills for South American Learners: CLIL, Creativity, Critical Thinking Skills.
18th - May 30th
“Teaching English through Drama” A six week, fully on-line course for teachers of English (Last year I trained 102 teachers from 23 countries).
Argentina 2017
Buenos Aires,TheatrED Congress “The Theatre/Drama Debate” and “Teacher as Performer” both keynotes, for The Performers.
Global Moodle Mooc 10 for Integrating IT for All “Designing a Professional Learning Community on-line”
Argentina 2017
Villa Maria,Jornada ELT Dealing with Mixed Ability Classes Plenary and Workshop “Multisensory Activities for Inclusive Classrooms", at the National University of Villa María.
Mexico 2017
21st -15th
Mexico City, “The Theatre/Drama Connection” Closing keynote at LABCI Congress for TheatrED, The Performers
Uruguay 2017
12th -13th
Montevideo, The 13th Anglo Congress “Engage me or Enrage me¡ : 21st Century Skills for 21st Century Students” for Macmillan.
China 2017
17th - 27th
China, Kunming Medical University. “EMI-English as a medium of Instruction, Academic Excellence in Teaching Phase I”. An intensive academic course for 25 University Professors teaching Medicine M.Sc. at Kunming University through English to foreign students. Organised by the British Council and the Chinese Ministry of Education in Kunming.
Argentina 2017
31st - 3rd
Misiones. FAAPI “Playing with Parsnips, to make the Real World stand up in ELT” Plenary for Anglia.
6th - 18th
Global, “Teaching English through Drama” A six week, fully on-line course for teachers of English (Last year I trained 102 teachers from 23 countries).
Uruguay 2017
21st - 23rd
Uruguay, Montevideo. “English through Drama” Plenary and Workshop for The British Council, Uruguay.
Global webinar for ETAS “English through Drama”
Argentina 2017
Mendoza, Jornada NAMPI Plenary and workshops “English through Drama”
Argentina 2017
Buenos Aires Anglia Congress at UAI "Teaching as a Performing Art: Change your Role to Change the Climate in your Classroom" for Anglia.
China 2017
4th - 12th
Kunming, Medical University. “EMI-English as a medium of Instruction, Academic Excellence in Teaching Phase II”. An intensive academic course for 25 University Professors teaching Medicine M.Sc. at Kunming University through English to foreign students. Organised by the British Council and the Chinese Ministry of Education in Kunming.