China 2018 - Chengdu, Three Stages (Jan-May)
”EMI-English as a Medium of Instruction, Academic Excellence in Teaching”.
An intensive academic course for 25 University Professors teaching 21 different majors at Sichuan University through English to foreign and Chinese students. Organised by the British Council and the Chinese Ministry of Education in Chengdu.
Beijing, UNESCO Teachers project
1 x 3 hour workshop with secondary teachers “Teaching English through Drama”
Organised by All Win Education Group.
Elite Education Group 1 x 3 hour workshop with primary English language teachers “Teaching English through Drama” Organised by All Win Education Group.
2 x days Consultancy meetings with All Win Education Group.
May 2018
Chengdu, Sichuan University.
Stage three of three (Jan-May)
”EMI-English as a Medium of Instruction, Academic Excellence in Teaching”. An intensive academic course for 25 University Professors teaching 21 different majors at Sichuan University through English to foreign and Chinese students. Organised by the British Council and the Chinese Ministry of Education in Chengdu.
Chengdu, “English through Drama”
A two day theoretical and practical course for 60 selected primary and secondary teachers hosted by the Dong Bei Middle School. Organised by the British Council and Chengdu Education Bureau.
Kunming, Yunnan University.
A three stage (May–October) course ”EMI-English as a Medium of Instruction, Academic Excellence in Teaching”. An intensive academic 5 day course for 25 University Professors teaching 16 different majors at Yunnan University through English to foreign and Chinese students. Organised by the British Council and the Chinese Ministry of Education in Yunnan province.
Three day “English through Drama” course as follow up to the SHELTA 6 week on-line course, attended by all 23 teachers. Hosted at the International Exchange Centre and organised by All Win Education Group.
Elite Education Group 3 day workshop with 48 primary and secondary English language teachers “Teaching English through Drama” Organised by All Win Education Group.
a) “Putting the A in STEM through Process Drama” A one day course for STEM teachers on using Drama as a learning medium for STEM subjects.
b) “Using Drama to Enhance Teaching and Learning” A two day course for primary, secondary literacy and special needs teachers stressing language games/strategies and storytelling from picture books. Story Sack creation was featured as a holistic methodology to enhance teaching and learning.
Stage three of three (May-October) ”EMI-English as a Medium of Instruction, Academic Excellence in Teaching”. An intensive 5 day consultations/workshops follow up to the academic course for 25 University Professors teaching 16 different majors at Yunnan University through English to foreign and Chinese students. Organised by the British Council and the Chinese Ministry of Education in Yunnan.
China / Argentina
Remote tutorials at Distance stage 2 EMI for Yunnan University. Organised by the British Council and the Chinese Ministry of Education in Yunnan.