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  • Writer's pictureSusan Hillyard

So .....What's the C in SPICE?

I wonder if you subscribe to Sir Ken Robinson's Famous TED talk "Do Schools Kill Creativity?"?

If so, just how creative are you when you teach English in the classroom? Do you know what it takes to train your students of any age, any level and any ability to become creative in the way they approach their studies? Are you afraid of offering the options so necessary to encourage creativity in your students?

Well, if you learn how to introduce Drama into your classes there you have one way to become more creative.

So what is creativity?

Wow .....what a question!

Sir Ken says it's "the use of imagination or original ideas to create something new of value" and we can actually offer our students that opportunity through introducing Drama techniques into evereryday lessons. By it's very nature as "real learning in imagined worlds" (Patrice Baldwin) we draw out the use of the imagination that every student brings to the classroom every day..... an act most English language teachers never do! We generally prefer to surpress any individuality which needs must come if we allow, or even encourage, our learners to open up their boxes which we usually keep closed to conform to formal schooling.

If you study Bloom's taxonomy: you will see that Creativity is right on the summit of the HOTs or the Higher Order Thinking Skills levels. So Drama is very effective through creativity being naturally embedded in it and that's why the SPICE works!!!

Come and learn HOW to do it through joining "English through Drama" here:

Will love to train you!

And you can do it from home, in your own time, with other advanced lifelong learners from all over the world!

See you on line!

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